About Us |
History of IREE |
This Institution was formed at Nasik Road and is registered with the charity commissioner, Nasik, Maharashtra, vide registration no. Maharashtra/3920/ Nasik/95 date. 29.07.1995, the Institute was formally inaugurated by the then Member (Electrical), Railway Board, Shri V. Santhanam on 26th Aug. 1995 at Nasik. The Headquarters of the Institution were changed to New Delhi for better coordination With Zonal Railways, Railway Board and Industry in April 1997. The Institution has been Recognized by the Board vide their letter no. E (g)/99/FE1-4 dated 28.07.1999. |
Objectives of IREE |
1. |
To promote among persons engaged on or associated with Railway Electrical Engineering technical knowledge of design, construction and maintenance of Electrical Engineering equipment systems. |
2. |
Diffusion of general knowledge of qualities and specification of all Electrical Engineering materials. |
3. |
To publish or to circulate for the use of the members of the Institution any information which is likely to encourage and facilitate interchange of thought and experience. |
4. |
To promote and encourage papers, visits and discussions for the information and benefit of the members of the institution. |
Activities carried
out by the Institution during Years |
1. |
on Management of Transfer and Absorption of
Three Phase AC Locomotive Technology. |
2. |
on Emerging Trends in Mass Rapid Transit System
on 9th & 10th October 1998 at New Delhi. |
3. |
Seminar on Electric Energy Management in Rail
Sector on 2nd & 3rd Feb. 2001. |
4. |
the above major Workshop, Seminars were held
by the Institution with the association of leading
Institutions in the field of Electrical Engineering. |
5. |
on Design Aspects of Delhi Metro was delivered
by Shri V. Santhanam, Retired member (Electrical),
Railway Board in association with Institute
of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Inc.
(IREE). |
6. |
association with IREE, a talk on 3 Phase Drive
Electric Locomotive was delivered in the Committee
Room of Electrical Engineering Department of
IIT Delhi by Shri Kul Bhushan, Executive Director,
Electrical Engineering (Development), Railway
Board, New Delhi. |
7. |
talk on Reforms in Power Sector was delivered
by Shri V. K. Pandit, Secretary, Ministry of
Power, and Govt. of India to commemorate the
75th year of Electronic in India. |
8. |
an International Seminar on Emerging Trends
in Coaching and Electric Traction in Rail Sector
- Cost Effective Technologies. |
9. |
collaboration of Institution of Engineers -
the August body of Engineers, the talks/lectures
were organized On Luxury Travel in Kalka - Shimla
section, Improved Productivity through Meditation
and Journey through Railways at Delhi State
Centre, New Delhi. |
10. |
jointly with the Institute of Electrical Engineers
(UK), Delhi, International Branch and Society
of New Technology & emerging trends , organized
a technical lecture on Improved Productivity
through Meditation at India International centre
on 24th September 2005. |
11. |
are being made to organize more technical talks
& interactive sessions with other professional
bodies such as Institution of Engineers, Institution
of Electrical Engineers (UK) & Institution
of Electrical & Electronic Engineers (USA)
ETC. |
12. |
collaboration with the Institute of Electrical
& Electronics Engineer USA (EMS) Delhi section,
Professor K. Subramanian, Senior Deputy Director
General, National Informatics Center, Ministry
of Communication and Information Technology,
New Delhi delivered a very illuminating and
interesting talk on cyber laws on 8-5-2006 Baroda
House, Headquarters of Northern Railway, New
Delhi. |
Future Perspectives |
1. |
pooling resources of all the Institution of
recognized service & PSU’s Under Ministry
of Railways Institution of Railways Electrical
Engineers Integrated Training Institute shall
be built at chanakyapuri. |
2. |
also gave requirement of 200sq. Ft. amounting
to Rs 38 lacs has been Projected. This accommodation
will primarily be our office & common facilities
Such as auditorium & library shall be shared
by all the institutions. |